We live in the city and we love nature and outdoors. My family wanted to camp and enjoy everything Michigan had to offer! This was around 2011 time frame when we bought a travel trailer. My wife, who in her twenties spent a month camping through Europe in tents and on a bus, refused to use a tent, LOL. We really enjoyed the state campgrounds for the nature and rustic feel.
In the state campgrounds here in Michigan you have to fill your fresh water tank with water, because there is no city water hookup at the campsite. A couple of times, on extended camping trips, we ran out of water! No problem right?? I bought 2 5 gallon jugs to pour into the tank. I made a funnel from a plastic bottle and had my wife hold it. There were some tense moments to say the least. That is when the idea of the Fresh Water Tank Funnel came about.
I bought a 3D printer a couple of years ago to show my son how you can design and print things. So, we started designing the fresh water tank funnel about 2 years ago. After many prototypes I showed my extended family. My brother was visiting and said we should manufacture this in the USA.
We contacted my brother's manufacturing contact in Wisconsin, K&R Manufacturing. They guided us to a tool maker, Class Tool & Die. My brother and tool maker greatly helped in making the parts manufacturable and more functional.
Our mission is to make camping easier and focus on nature and not worrying about keeping your travel trailer water tank full. We have a patent pending and are proud to design and make this part in the USA.
My kid and I demonstrating the old way....
New way!